Sadness and Sorrow – Naruto Music Code

   malam ni..tibe2 hati aku teringatkan abah aku yang sangat aku sayang... aku rindu sangat dengan die.. aku masih ingat lagi masa aku tolong abah aku kat kebun... best sgt mase tuh.. tak leh lupe..pas buat keje kat kebun..abah bawak aku g makan kat satu warung yang de kat felda medoi tu..makan roti canai..sambil borak2..hi3.. tu la kali terakhir aku ikut abah g kebun...pertengahan tahun 2005 abah tibe2 jatuh sakit..abah masuk hospital..pas2 dah sihat..balik umah..tapi pas2 sakit abah dtg balik..abah masuk hsptl semula..

15 syaban...2005
   aku g lawat abah kat hospital..alhamdulillah..abah aku nampak sihat mase tu..ptg tu aku nak balik asrama..tapi ambil mase dan lawat abah..pas2 mase aku dah nak blk asrama..mak aku cite..abah tengok je aku pergi smpi aku hilang dari pandangannye.seumur hidup aku, aku tak pernah cium pipi abah mase salam abah..tapi ptg tu..aku teragak nak cium pipi abah..kiri kanan pipi abah aku cium..mase tuh sebak sgt..tak tau knpe..

   mase kat asrama aku bace yasin 3 kali sempena malam nifsu syaban..lps bce yasin aku naek ats asrama..aku terlelap..tibe2 dengar satu suare pggl name aku..terus tersentak..tak smpi seminit pas2, kwn aku dtg dan bgtau "md nor, abng ko kat bwh..". mase tuh dah tak sedap hati.. abg aku bwk aku g hospital.. dalam kerete, tetibe abg menangis "abah dah takde dik...". aku diam je mcm takde perasaan.. hati aku berdebar debar.. sampai kat hospital, aku lihat dengan mate aku sndiri.."abah.."aku terus terduduk lemah..saat tu..baru la air mate aku mengalir deras..aku terus peluk tubuh abah.."abah..abah..." aku pggl abah dengan mengharap abah akan bgn lps dgr aku pgggl die..

   tapi semua tu mustahil....klu aku tau abah nak pg mlm tuh..aku takkan balik asrama..aku akan tmnkan abah... :'(

   abah..semoga abah tenang dan bahagia disana..adik akn sntasa mendoakan abah.. maafkan adik kerana takde bersame abah saat tu...:'( aku nak mntak kwn2 semua sedekahkan AL-FATIHAH pd abah aku.....AL-FATIHAH..

   terime kasih kawan2..untuk abah..abah adelah abah yang terbaik dan terime kasih di atas jasa2 abah...tiade yang setanding mu abah...klu lah abah sempat melihat adik berjaye........ :'(

satu2nye gambar abah yang tinggal...yg lain sma hanyut semasa banjir besar kat segamat 2006


Tokyo Drift – Teriyaki Drift Music Code

Hari nie takde mende nak buat..aku pn mghadap kmptr aku utk mmbt sesuatu yg besh..
make aku pun memlakn kerja aku...dan akhirnye terhasilla seperti yg tertera dibawah ini....he3..kereta angan2 aku...macam? cantik tak? cantik tak?


You MUST create a sense of potential loss and reward when they seek validation. This will allow her to fully appreciate the value of the relationship. 

You MUST give each other space. Seeing each other as much as possible will create too much comfort! When you reach a point of "discomfort" in life, that is when you realize you're making progress.

The first rule to keeping your girlfriend happy is to always call back when she asks you to.

Always get a small gift on every holiday. Not like Presidents Day but like Easter and Halloween. (Just a Hershey bar is fine)

Tell her secrets.

Don't tell her about other unrelated girls.

Don't lie to her EVER. This could cause her not to trust you.

If a friend is teasing her take her side or no side.

Always show up for a party 20 min early.

Tell her how much you care about her often.

Don't flirt, she will find out.

Make her laugh, try at least every time you see her.

One way to her heart is through her friends too, so try to make them happy.

Take her out to eat and not let her pay for anything.

Tell her she is beautiful, don't overdo it. Do it when she least expects it. If you say it too many times than it will be meaningless.

Just be yourself.

If at any time she asks you "Do these make me look fat?" just look her dead in the eyes and say no. This is the only case in which you can violate rule 7.

Never ignore her . NEVER

If she is not feeling good try to spend time with her and make her feel good

Don't leave her waiting. Girls hate to wait for someone.

Let her know that she is special. Many girls are insecure and it helps them to know that you care about them.

Take her somewhere new. Many girls will get bored if you take them to the same place time after time (unless it's a special place for the both of you) so mix it up a little.

reference : www.wikihow.com


Straight to the Bank – 50 Cent Music Code

1. Be patient
Money must be saved over a long period of time. Don't take high risks for quick returns. Investing is a marathon not a sprint.

2. Take the risks while you are young.
It is ok to take calculated high risks occasionally, but do them when you have time to make it up.

3. Don't gamble
Gambling is for the desperate and the poor. If you must, do small amounts and view it as
pure entertainment. You will never make money in the long run gambling

4. Stay healthy.
Good health keeps your mind sharp, your doctor bills low, you lifespan long, and lets you work more to make more money. Healthy people make more money

5. Laugh and Smile
See above. Happy people make more money.

6. Buy and car a keep it for many years or if you need a new one buy one a few years old.
A car is one of the biggest waste of money in our lives. People spend too much on new one. Should be buying newer used ones.

7. Everything in moderation.
I learned this from an older customer that used this as his mantra. He said he did everything in moderation from drinking to working. He said it was the key to life

8. Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty
The key to a happy marriage. A good marriage will help you save money or cost you a fortune if it goes bad. People stayed together longer in years past. They were a savings team.

9. Don't spend your money on worthless things.
Don't buy anything at the checkout counter, don't buy collectibles, don't buy all the worthless junk sold around you at the box stores.

10. Move
Stay active. The more you see the more you learn. The more learn the more ideas you have. The more ideas you have, the more chance you come up with something that will earn or save you money.

reference : www.mademan.com


Naruto’s Theme – Naruto Music Code

          semalam aku tgk wyg cite ninja assasin yang dibintangi oleh hero korea 'RAIN'.. Gempak siot cite ni..klh cite Saw... cik ain asyik duk ttp mate je tgk cite ni.. ape la cik ain ni..tgk wayang pejam mate..hi3..
         cite ni mengisahkan seorg lelaki yang dididik utk mnjdi ninja pembunuh upahan oleh kerajaan...ttpi akhrnye die brbh mnjdi seorg yang baek dan menentang pertbhn ninja pembunuh yang prnh disrtai satu ms dl..die mule berniat utk mengubah haluan setelah kekasihnye yang jgk dlm akademi yg same dibunuh krne cbe melarikn dr..

       mmg best citer ni..dr start cite smpi akhir tak bosan..penuh dengan adegan2 fighting yg mmg mengerikan..sbb 2 cik ain ttp mate..ha3.. pd sesape yg tak tgk agi..baek ko org pg tgk.. klu nk murh pg tgk hari Rabu...(cam tak biase lak):-p